Stop Hp Product Assistant Trying Install

Resolve many common issues using HP Support Assistant’s troubleshooters and automated fixes. What Is This Thing Called Knowledge Pritchard Pdf Printer on this page. For example, Audio Check can diagnose and help fix issues if you having trouble hearing sound from your computer. Canon Ws 1200h Manual Lawn here. Performance Tune-up Check can optimize your system to help improve performance and Operating System Check can analyze and help maintain Windows on your PC.
Mar 11, 2010 I keep getting this box that says HPProductAssistant 'The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable Click OK to try. The 'HP Solutions Update' is a feature that assists you whenever you encounter errors with your HP product. Disabling it will stop you from receiving technical assistance in case of errors. When uninstalling any HP-related software, make sure that you do not uninstall the driver of your HP printer.
When is installed, it can be launched directly from HP Support assistant to test components, such as your hard drive and memory, and identify potential hardware related issues. If the issue cannot be resolved with these tools, HP Support Assistant can help you find additional support resources specific to your device.
Hey darkhorse123-- I think I solved the problem! The Support Assistant Window for me would pop up a couple of minutes after I booted up. My first thought was that was because Support Assistant was set up as a delayed start-up service, but no luck. However, today after doing more research on the file, I ran across a random post -- nothing to do with HP -- but which seems to have targeted the cause--the Task Scheduler. I checked my Task Scheduler and I noticed that the HP Support Assistant Quick Start task was set to run three minutes after I booted the laptop. Coincidence with the pop-up window timing?
I changed the setting I am hopeful it worked. To change the Task Scheduler settings, go to Control Panel >Administrative Tools >Task Scheduler. Open the left side items (click on the arrow next to the Task Scheduler Library and the HP folder, then click on the Support Assistant folder). All the tasks related to Support Assistant should open on the top right-hand side of the screen.
[If you cannot see the Triggers to each, click on each and then the Trigger tab in the lower window.] Right click on each that has a trigger you want to change (including any tasks that start at boot), then click on 'Properties.' Click on the “Triggers” tab. Toward the bottom of the tab will be an 'Edit' button. Click and change the “Begin task” setting to whatever suits you. There is no 'Never' setting, so if you just want to run the task manually, uncheck the “Enabled” button at the bottom of the window.
Download Reset Epson Stylus Photo T60 Installer. I'm guessing that turning off the HP Support Assistant service simply prevents it from starting on its own--and apparently it's not the Assistant that opens the pop-up window, it's the Task Scheduler running Quick Start, which is why we were having so much trouble. I have rebooted my laptop twice now and no pop-up windows either time! I am cautiously optimistic. Mercury 3.5 Hp 2 Stroke Outboard Manual. Post whether this solution works for you. If so, I'll mark it solved. Good luck--I'm pulling for you.