Hotel Booking Php Software Engineering

Hotel Booking Php Software Engineering Rating: 9,2/10 4105votes

PHP & Software Architecture Projects for $30 - $5000. Installation and configuration of Solunas Hotel booking engine. Cost of software engineering.

What Is Php Software

Driver Hp Pavilion Zv6000 Xplor. Hotel Booking web page Implementation of a Hotel Booking web page using Dreamweaver and SQL, connection through PHP. I have created the table and fields in MY PHP Admin. Need to connect the table to a web page, were details can be entered Need to work out prices of the duration of customer stay, this needs to be displayed when they enter their details on web page. Hp Ubed Tukang Copet Yahoo.

Cost per night multipled by per person, (£25per night) incorrect information entered needs display error messages. Explanation showing what codes did what. I will supply the user name and password once excepted offer ## Deliverables 1) need to connect the table to a web page, were details can be entered, through MYPHPADM 2)calculation of price that is diplayed on web page, (Standard price of £25) 3) incorrect information entered needs diplay error messages 4) explaination of what codes used and what their function is. ## Platform windows xp, Skills:,,,, See more:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.